Every Runner Needs a “Go-To” Therapist

One of the things I learned as a professional runner is to get treatment quickly when I was injured.

I mean, immediately.

Now I am a recreational runner, I rarely get injured. But I still get injured. And I still get treatment immediately. Why? Because I like running. I don’t like being injured. And treatment accelerates recovery.

As long as the treatment is appropriate, it WILL help you get back to running more quickly than doing nothing.

The Do-Nothing Approach

While coaching recreational runners, I’ve discovered that in general, the first (and only) step in response to injury is to stop running. Rest and wait. And I think the main reason for this is that most runners do not really know where to start, who to call, what to ask for, even how to explain their injury. They don’t have a go-to therapist.

Prolonging Your Injury

The problem with this is that doing nothing (except rest) significantly delays the return to running. Sometimes a single treatment session is all someone needs. But instead, they just stop running for days or even weeks doing nothing. And when they start running again, it’s with the approach of “hope and see if the pain is gone.”

Even if waiting and do nothing works out, nothing is learned about the injury, how to treat it, or how to prevent it in the future.

Finding Your Go-To Therapist

Usually, the way to find your go-to therapist is to first get injured, and then actually decide to seek treatment. Of course it would be better to have a plan in place for when (not if) an injury comes up. But I realize it’s hard to be motivated to find a therapist when everything is going well.

So once you get injured, even if it’s something minor, don’t wait! Start asking around to other runners, your coach if you have one, or google. Look for a sports massage therapist, sports chiro, athletic therapist or physical therapist in your area who has experience with runners. Be wary of brand-new massage therapists  (in the USA) only because the certification requirement is quite minimal. Try to find someone with lots of experience and additional certifications in their “about me” blurb.

Often you will find a good sports massage through a chiropractic or physical therapist office rather than in a spa.

What to Look For

At your appointment, ask questions. Specifically, ask how you can help yourself on the days you’re not getting treatment. If your therapist can’t tell you how you to help yourself, keep looking.

If you’re not confident that person helped you, keep looking. But don’t expect instant resolution of your pain or injury. As long as you felt the person was helpful, commit to at least 2-3 treatments and see what happens.

Also— if the person is booking out months in advance, they are not a good candidate for your go-to therapist. Keep looking. Because the whole point of having a go-to is being able to get treatment quickly as opposed to waiting around not running and doing nothing.

Related: with more info & red flags when looking for a massage therapist:
Massages: Get One!

Don’t Settle!

Don’t forget that you are looking for your GO-TO person. So if you don’t like their personality, or something about the appointment feels off, keep looking! It may require trial and error, and of course investment of time and money to find someone great, but once you find them, you a have a go-to therapist! It’s worth the effort to find someone good!

Next time you get injured or even have a little niggle, you know who to call. Getting treatment is easy and fast if you know someone already who can help you. Even better, once you have a go-to person they will get to know you and be able to offer even better advice and treatment than other therapists who have no idea of your background.

So there’s no need for delay. Get treatment right away, and get back to running ASAP.

Your Injury Needs Treatment!
Running Injuries, Rest & Treatment

Nicole Sifuentes is a full-time Running Coach for adults of all ages and abilities. She is a former professional runner and 2-time Olympian, and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Read more about her services, and schedule your free coaching consultation

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