How to Make Your Legs Feel Good

Getting ready for a big workout or race? Here are some of my best tips to make sure your legs are feeling good!

DO: Run + strides the day before. A few quality strides will help your legs feel snappy the following day.
DON’T: Take a rest day the day before. Running usually feels better after an easy day of running. Not after a hard day (legs will be tired) and not after a day off because the legs may feel flat from lack of training stimulus.  (Before races I generally schedule a day off 2 days prior, and an easy day + strides the day before.)
Related Read: Strides: How & When to Run Them

DO: Get a massage or see your PT for a tune-up a few days prior.
DON’T: Get a deep tissue massage or aggressive PT the day before you want your legs to feel fresh and snappy. While getting body work is excellent for runners, generally it makes the legs feel flat the following day. Any areas that are tight and/or need extra attention will very commonly feel worse the day after treatment, and then better 2-3 days later.
Related Read: Massages: Get One!

DO: Keep up with your usual mobility or dynamic stretching habits.
DON’T: Spend more time stretching than you usually do. This will make your legs feel flat.

DO: Envision yourself running smooth and strong. Imagine yourself successfully completing the workout/ or achieving your goals for the race.
DON’T: Overthink it or start questioning yourself.
Related Read: Training Your Mind

DO: Stay hydrated the day of your workout/race and the day before, especially if your run is going to be in the morning.
DON’T: Slam water before bed, it could interrupt your sleep.
Related Read: Nutrition & Hydration: Pre-Run

DO: A little shakeout walk or jog after traveling or sitting for a long time.
DON’T: Go directly to the couch or to bed after a long road trip, flight or long day at your desk. If you do this the evening before your run/race, you’ll likely wake up stiff the next day, and the legs won’t be feeling good.

DO: Trust your experience! None of my tips are hard and fast rules (except maybe hydrating properly). Every runner is an individual and if you know what works for you, lean into it.
DON’T: Blindly do what everyone else seems to be doing. Keep an open mind and pay attention to your own body and what works best for you.

Nicole Sifuentes is a full-time Running Coach for adults of all ages and abilities. She is a former professional runner and 2-time Olympian, and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Read more about her services, and schedule your free coaching consultation

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